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mission 58

Raleigh, NC

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The Band
Local Band Network Member Since: June 10, 2005            Last Update: August 18, 2005
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Music types: Christian, Rock
Mission 58 is a Christian rock band from Raleigh, NC who God has magnificently brought together to reach out to people through music. In the beginning, the group discussed and prayed about what the mission was going to be for this band. They read the verse, Romans 5:8 which states: “But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The world needs to hear how much God loves them and this verse really struck a cord with the group. God spoke to their hearts and gave them a mission, mission 58. Their goal is to step outside of what many bands want, and be different. God said that his children would be different or separate from the world, and this idea is what mission 58 is all about.

The members come from different backgrounds, but after coming together, they realized what a small world it truly is. David and Stewart, the lead guitarist and drummer, had been friends for years and had previously been a part of a Christian band. As God would have it, things changed and they broke away, but as time passed, they realized that God’s calling was still on their lives to play music.

A grueling process, they began to search for a singer in hopes to re-establish a core group. Through family connections, they met Robbie and found his talents were best used as the bass player and BGV’s. Little did David and Robbie know, but they had been neighbors for years. Finally, through Robbie’s church, Corey was interviewed as the lead singer. Without any doubts in their minds, they asked Corey to sing; after just a few weeks of searching for God’s will, Mission 58 came into existence as it is today.

Band Members:
mission 58 is David Peterson [guitars], Stewart Dove [drums], Robbie Ratliff [bass, bgv's], and Corey Myers [vocals]

Picture     Picture        
SonicBids Press Kit: N/A

Their News and Events
There are 0 upcoming shows on the Schedule
Latest News:
Our next show is a battle of the bands competition on N.C. State Campus. The event is called "Chillin and Grillin" and they are giving away over 5000 hot dogs and hamburges. Come out and support/vote for us and if nothing else grab some FREE FOOD!

Their Music
Original Music? Yes
CD Recorded?  No
Record Label: 
Discography: No CDs entered
Their Contact Information
Alternate web site:  http://www.mission58.com
Contact Name:  David Peterson
E-mail address:   (NOTE: Email addresses are hidden to prevent spam. You must have JavaScript enabled.)

Localities: North Carolina-Charlotte
North Carolina-Fayetteville
North Carolina-Greensboro
North Carolina-Greenville
North Carolina-Raleigh/Durham
North Carolina-Western
North Carolina-Wilmington
North Carolina-Winston Salem

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